End of 2008

2008/12/31 06:33

I'm very thankful for those who accompany me through out 2008~

even since from 2000,life has been tough for me,shit that i have been through...life is really though outside Singapore

tho "they" sound "PRO" yet they ain't at all~ whatever problem comes into my life....problem r meant to be slove juz the matter of time~I will deal wth it...no matter how long it take,i will deal wth it...

my dear frds and fans~ I wont be loggin in as i wanna focus on my production to make 2009 a better yr and of course a better yida,

no matter what~ u guys will always be bless by me and I'm looking forward for 2009 and i believe all "shits" and FuXker" will end and get them out of my life~

to all; we live once," do or die,there's no try~"

Happy 2009 and of course an unforgettable  2008
I've make myself promises that i will be a happy and successful artiste for 2009~

I'll always love those who loves me n forgive those who hated or dislike me~

life isn't easy for everybody,i doubt, but a a little thought n blessing from us will make the world a better place to live~

*Pls save the earth~ that's the only place/planet where we live~


Happy new year~

From:Indie Label-HYD

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